Comment on a project

To quickly communicate with collaborators who are in a project at the same time, use the chat or comment box — found on the floating bar in the lower-right side of the editor.

Is the unicorn image your co-worker inserted into your business proposal a bit tacky? Marq allows you to leave comments on any images or text boxes that need extra attention and collaboration. Simply:

  1. Right-click on any specific element in your project (e.g. shape, text box, text selection, image, gallery, or video) and select “Add Comment”. You can also select an object then add a comment from the “Insert” drop-down in the Menu bar.
  2. Type in your comment in the field that appears. To tag specific team members, type @ + their name and select the user’s email address from the prompt.

  3. You can locate any comment location by using the 'pin' icon
  4. Reply to a comment by clicking on the comment icon. Type your reply and press “Enter”.
  5. Once a comment thread is complete and collaboration is no longer needed on the selected element, hit “Resolve”.

You can see your comment history or active/resolved comments by clicking the dropdown